Ambulatory care health care leaders will gather in Chicago October 4-5, 2011, for The Joint Commission’s 16th Annual Ambulatory Care Conference. The conference will focus on discovering strategies to demonstrate quality of care to payers, regulatory agencies, and managed care organizations. The program is sponsored by Joint Commission Resources.
Category Archives: news
Sentinel Alert on Repeated Xray Exposure
Diagnostic tools are an important component of medical care. However, over-reliance on certain tools is a cause for concern. The Joint Commission issued a sentinel event alert on diagnostic radiation in medical imaging, urging doctors to pay greater attention to the long-term hazards of repeated X-ray exposures. In the alert, the Oak Park, Ill.-based health …
SwedishAmerican Health System Receive Joint Commission Accreditation
SwedishAmerican Health System, including SwedishAmerican Hospital, SwedishAmerican Medical Center/Belvidere, SwedishAmerican Home Health, and SwedishAmerican Medical Group clinics, has received accreditation from the Joint Commission as a result of its demonstrated compliance with The Joint Commission’s nationally recognized health care standards. Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission is dedicated to continuously improving the safety and quality …
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Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Laboratory and Point- of-Care Testing (CAMLAB) Updated
The Joint Commission “Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Laboratory and Point- of-Care Testing (CAMLAB)” has been updated to provide clarity, additional specificity and detail to the standards and elements of performance. A preview of the new manual is posted on The Joint Commission web site, and laboratories will be surveyed against the new manual beginning in …