Vote for COVID response this election 2020

The growing and unabated second wave has hit America.

That’s nearly 250,000 deaths. The pandemic is unmatched in deaths, yet the average American seems disinterested. The regional impact varies widely. That’s both a level of ignorance with the pandemic, healthcare response, and healthcare coverage. America is one of the only 1st world nations that does not provide universal health to their citizens. It’s a matter of pride to an American to forgo health coverage in favour of ‘freedom’ and military spending.

This thinking has left particularly poor AMericans vulnerable. The impact of COVID has been devastating and will be felt for generations. It’s on par with the Second World War (exceeding now) in terms of death.s

Some have a position that because there is a skew towards elderly deaths that it’s a cost worth paying to keep the likes of the economy open. That rough thinking has put America in a cultural space where if conservative Republicans regain control of the government, the COVID spread will continue unabated with no end in sight. It’s only going to get worse until well after a suitable vaccine is in place. (And remember, if a vaccine is found, Americans will have to pay individually for it. So the chances everyone will get it in a timely manner is nil.)

Vote this November and make a change for the health and life of Americans.