The vitamin industry is a multi-billion dollar market that likely does more harm to your bank account than benefits to your body. Since multivitamins are big industry, it’s tough to navigate the multitude of claims from companies who’s sole purpose is to turn a profit. Do you really need you vitamin D or C to fix whatever malady or claim purported by clever marketing campaigns?

Outside of a recommendation from a family doctor for the sick or elderly, a balanced diet is the key to overall health. Anything more is probably not necessary. That means all of the money you spend in vitamins is literally going into the toilet. Since the body doesn’t need additional vitamin supplements, assuming that health diet, it treats it as waste.

But what about preventative measures that vitamin manufactures claim? Are there longterm benefits from a health dose of garlic or ginger?

Turns out most of the science that’s been done doesn’t support the wide claims. But there are some benefits. Perhaps the most interesting tool online is this chart that shows the science behind the most popular vitamins and supplement claims on the market. It’s worth checking out, and the interactive graph makes it fun.