Burnout in the ER

Burnout is a problem for any healthcare profession. Particularly acute are underfunded and overworked departments that fast high paced environments. For example, ER Nurses.

Quick Safety, Issue 50, of the Joint Commission Report, released some data on burnout in the ER.

According to a national nursing engagement survey released in April 2019, 15.6% of nurses reported feelings of burnout. Emergency room nurses were identified at being at a higher risk for burnout and 20% of ER nurses reported feeling unengaged. Interestingly, 50% of nurses who reported feeling burnout in their current position also reported no immediate plans to leave their organization. Another 41% of nurses reported as being “unengaged”.

There are a variety of contributing factors, but the fundamental question for many nurses is what’s being done to both mitigate and treat burnout? Part of the workload comes with the job. but there are better and healthier ways to approach the work. Employers are slowly coming to a realizations more needs to be done surrounding burnout to decrease the rates.

More details on the report reported here: https://nurse.org/articles/joint-commission-tackles-nurse-burnout/