Found in their annual Top Performer report. 1099 hospitals around the US were regarded for a or multiple forms of treatment.
Author Archives: MedPost
ELI5 – Why Is Obamacare Good or Bad?
A good topic to discuss, unfortunately, no simple way to explain the nuances of the Obamacare package. Although most economists would agree the best solution would be a form of universal healthcare, what we have in front of us now is Obamacare. Read for some thoughts and explanations like you were five and needed an …
Alarm Fatigue in The Hospital
Joint Commission has added to the growing concern of alarm fatigue in the workplace. Be it beepers, phones, intercomes, computers, what have you, the question posed is whether or not the barrage of alarms is affected healthcare provision? Alarms are also a normal component of medical devices such as ventilators, blood pressure monitors and ECG …
Joint Commission Releases Speak Up: About Your Pain
JC released a video that illustrates to the public why it’s important for patients to speak up about their pain. This is one of many in a series to be released, granted the computer generated voices are somewhat hokey….
The expanding need for tech savvy healthcare professionals
Healthcare centers are no longer simple organizations that housed a doctor a few nurses. For one of the largest industries in the country, hospitals to clinics comprise of more than just healthcare professionals, but rather a wide breadth of skills necessary to run what is essentially a profit maximizing firm. Whether we like it or …
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COPAN Produces CDC/Joint Commission Educational Videos
This week COPAN (a firm named after COllection and Preservation for ANalysis) launched a set of videos demonstrating proper sample collection techniques for respiratory samples. The new videos were created for the CDC and The Joint Commission. The use will be web based directed to flu diagnosis and treatment in ambulatory settings for healthcare providers. …
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Joint Commission project aims to reduce wrong-surgery risks
Waking up with the wrong kidney removed is a horror story that’s played out countless times in North American hospitals. Surgeons will most likely walk into your operating room, ask you which body part and which side, and then scrawl your body with markers. Still, errors occasionally happen. The Joint Commission unveiled a Targeted Solutions …
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SAFE CARE Program to Provide Patient Education at Bedside
THe information that is so readily available online to curious searchers may now be moving to the bedside in some form. Patients and their families are increasingly taking an active role in their health care by becoming informed. A unique patient safety education program will be released to provide patients and their families with instant …
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Joint Commission Announces Board of Commissioners for 2012
The Joint Commission announced the incoming Board of Commissioners for 2012, and the Board’s decision to make the three field representatives for long term care, behavioral health care and home care full voting members. The seven new members include:
2012 Accreditation to Include Tobacco Cessation Measures
As another year rings in JC will be implementing additional performance criteria for certain certifications. Hospitals can choose to adopt tobacco-cessation measures as part of their performance criteria to meet certification by the Joint Commission.