Burnout in the ER

Burnout is a problem for any healthcare profession. Particularly acute are underfunded and overworked departments that fast high paced environments. For example, ER Nurses.

Anti-vaxxers causing measles outbreaks in US

Anti-vaxxers with their pseudo science are causing public health problems wherever they exist. Parents, themselves have been vaccinated, are no longer vaccinating their children. When generations emerged who have never seen the adverse and cataclysmic effects of disease, stupidity and privilege reign supreme. Worst worst part is the victims are always children (and sometimes the …

USA Healthcare Spending Continues to Outstrip All Developed Economies

Despite spending almost double most developed economies per person (as a percentage of GDP), America’s healthcare system continues to operate in shambles. Spending continues to grow, reaching a staggering $3.5 trillion in 2017. This amidst tens of millions of Americans remaining uninsured, and many more millions unable to afford needed care.  The American health system …

Fascinating Data Life Expectancy and Health Expenditure of USA v Developed Countries

And this stunning graph that should raise a few eyebrows. (What are Americans spending their tax revenues on?) Firstly, all countries in this graph have followed an upward trajectory (life expectancy increased as health expenditure increased), but the U.S. stands out as an exception following a much flatter trajectory; gains in life expectancy from additional …

JC New National Patient Safety Goals

The Joint Commission anticipates the new and revised National Patient Safety Goals will improve patient safety and quality of care by reducing morbidity and mortality, as well as health care costs and length of stays associated with CAUTIs. The R3 Report is available here.

It‘s Not Just Old Age – Depression in the Elderly

The following scenario is played out with increasing regularity in the nation: An elderly person, let’s call her Edith is living alone because she has lost her husband. Due to one or more chronic conditions she has decreased independence. Maybe she can’t drive any more and needs to use a walker or wheelchair. Her condition …

Texting Patient Orders Still up in the air with Joint Commission

The new policy unraveled in May of this year put out by the Joint Commission would have opened the door for texting to be used as an effective communication tool to exchange patient orders. Initially, the policy what is welcome news because it would’ve made sharing patient info easier. Summarized, it stated, along with some …