Grief Amidst COVID

It’s often important to name the feelings. During the COVID pandemic there are a lot of new feelings to process. Whether it’s being self-isolated and stuck in bad thoughts. Or if you have the sickness yourself. Part of maintaining good mental health is step one, that discomfort you’re feeling is grief. Once you can name it you can heal. Here’s an article that’s part of the first step.

Simple ways to decrease anxiety

Anxiety and mental health are becoming important topics in modern-day culture. We are becoming aware of the impact of our own mental health, what it looks like in others, and how we can manage it. That’s important because the road to health includes tackling mental health issues directly.

Anxiety is but one attribute of mental health, one that can creep up on you without warning and without cause. It’s often a surprise for many people to encounter anxiety for the first time. The physiological response that the body produces is foreign. Knowing what to do when anxiety hits can go a long way to diminishing its affects.

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The slow creep of anxiety based on life style choices

What are the things that popular culture doesn’t do well is display vulnerability out in the open. Just look at social media. Teenagers, 20-somethings, 30-somethings, with no life experience are influencers about life and living. What do they know about life? Some? But not a lot.

There’s more to the IG story then meets the eye, especially when it comes to Mental Health.

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Always get itemized bills in the American health care system

America has among the best healthcare services and expertise available in the free world. That is if you can pay for it. There’s no other developed country in the world that pays more per capita for healthcare, yet they are also one of the few countries on the face of the planet that does not provide universal healthcare.

Rural Americans would prefer to die rather than pay for healthcare, citing the “socialist” agenda. In reality, the “socialist” agenda is actually a product of a far right-wing agenda that denies Americans basic health services.

So what happens when you do happen to need health services, specifically a trip to the hospital? How do you deal with the massive inflation of prices? Why does a band-aid cost $50? Everything not including the air you breath has a price tag.

Turns out you have a few options on top of your insurance provider. You should advocate for yourself, and press hard to have any bill itemized.

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4 Remedies to Reduce Snoring and Get a Better Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep can mean the difference between chronic health problems and a vibrant lifestyle. When you don’t get good sleep your body can’t reset or repair itself during the night. For men and women, the key to a good night’s sleep is reducing snoring. Here are three natural ways to reduce snoring at night.

1. Not the easiest, not the quick fix, but the main reasons why you snore is due to weight gain. Obesity increases the likelihood of snoring by closing your airway as you relax at night. Reduce snoring by maintaining a healthy body-to-fat ratio. That means constant and regular exercise regardless of age.

2. Sleep positions can greatly impact your snoring patterns. Back sleepers snore more because as they relax gravity takes over and the top of the airway becomes obstructed. Side or front sleeper do not have this problem. Try switching sleep positions at different times during the night.

3. Snoring Aids can help. There are a variety of different methods you can try to employ, most available at your local pharmacy. Although some are gimmicks (nose baskets that keep your nostrils wider), some provide basic relief. Nose-strips (brand name Breathe Right) are a popular option that can keep your nasal passage open as you sleep. This doesn’t guarantee an unobstructed passage, but it does make a difference that can reduce your snoring and get you a better sleep overall.

4. Watch what you eat. Controlling diet can impact your waistline, but it also reduces snoring for certain foods. Alcohol is notorious for increasing snoring as many develop slight reactions to the grains and additives in liquor. That leads to further reduction of the nasal passage. Be mindful that what you consume impacts you at night.

Reduce Meat Consumption with Vegetables and Save the Planet

Growing in popularity as the request from consumers to know about their carbon footprint. Carbon footprint includes your food. Where your food comes from, from how far, the inputs that are required, all factor in to the environmental impact of the food you eat.

What can you do to reduce your footprint?

One of the most important elements isn’t so much how far away the food came from but what it is you are eating.

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Anti-vaxxers causing measles outbreaks in US

Anti-vaxxers with their pseudo science are causing public health problems wherever they exist. Parents, themselves have been vaccinated, are no longer vaccinating their children. When generations emerged who have never seen the adverse and cataclysmic effects of disease, stupidity and privilege reign supreme. Worst worst part is the victims are always children (and sometimes the elderly). Children of uneducated parents who are susceptible to easily preventable diseases, and children who cannot be vaccinated (perhaps due to age). Unfortunately a change in the anti-vaccination movement won’t come until there is a widespread epidemic that will decimate children in small population counties. It’s eerie to consider that the “best” case scenario would be for outbreaks to be contained in highly religious or anti-science communities. But containment for infectious disease in highly populated areas is difficult. It’s only a matter of time before a lot of children get sick.

Exercise Benefits the Old AND the Young

Survey says, exercise is good for you.

We know that. A healthy diet coupled with regular exercise are keys to longevity and vitality. Whole health relies on this rhythm.

More studies are coming out to confirm what we already know–that the affects of exercise, even in young people, have long standing health benefits. That includes cognition. A study recently showed benefits in cognitive abilities in participants as young as 20.

So about that, healthy and smart!