USA Healthcare Spending Continues to Outstrip All Developed Economies

Despite spending almost double most developed economies per person (as a percentage of GDP), America’s healthcare system continues to operate in shambles. Spending continues to grow, reaching a staggering $3.5 trillion in 2017. This amidst tens of millions of Americans remaining uninsured, and many more millions unable to afford needed care. 

The American health system is a demonstrable demonstration of how a “free-market” health care program operates. It’s far more expensive for less coverage. Yet as a whole, America can’t seem to get a grip on a way forward. Many suffering from the ideology of anti-“socialism”, decrying any form of single payer system that would provide health coverage to all citizens. The same people are fine with trillions of dollars to the military, but struggle with “socialist” healthcare. 

The trouble with this approach is quite simple, Americans pay the most, yet the receive staggeringly less health care than any other developed nation on the face of the planet.

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Canada set to legalize recreational marijuana

The Canadian government is set to approve the new Bill C-45 that will legalize recreational marijuana across the country. As most Western nations struggle to deal with the abject collapse of the American lead century long “war on drugs”, Canada will be among the first to tackle the drug problem by legalizing.

The new legislation builds upon the medicinal applications of marijuana. Although medicinal pot was permitted with a prescription in the country, use wasn’t widespread. Now the possibilities for marijuana, and the expansion of scientific research on its applications, will increase.

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Who has the least health coverage – USA by State

We know that in all of the developed countries in the world, America pays the most money per capita yet receives worst coverage as a whole. Those who have healthcare coverage tend to see the doctor too many times, and those who do not have coverage never see the doctor. That has pushed America down in terms of standard of living.

Here’s an interesting grout that depicts the level of healthcare coverage by state.

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Are multivitamins worth it? Which ones work and are they a waste of money?

The vitamin industry is a multi-billion dollar market that likely does more harm to your bank account than benefits to your body. Since multivitamins are big industry, it’s tough to navigate the multitude of claims from companies who’s sole purpose is to turn a profit. Do you really need you vitamin D or C to fix whatever malady or claim purported by clever marketing campaigns?

Outside of a recommendation from a family doctor for the sick or elderly, a balanced diet is the key to overall health. Anything more is probably not necessary. That means all of the money you spend in vitamins is literally going into the toilet. Since the body doesn’t need additional vitamin supplements, assuming that health diet, it treats it as waste.

But what about preventative measures that vitamin manufactures claim? Are there longterm benefits from a health dose of garlic or ginger?

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Alternative Therapies: Can Fascia Stretching Relieve Pain?

Be it pro athletes looking for the edge in recovery, or someone trying to relieve pain using alternative therapies, stretch fascia therapy could be a viable treatment. Patients enjoy a pain free treatment, which is appealing, provided by practitioners ranging from therapists specializing in stretch fascia, massage therapists, and more.

Fascia therapy is an approach that can provide lasting pain-relief as it focuses on the root cause of your pain versus simply treating the symptoms. It’s also a technique in injury prevention. Overall, it offers a re-adjustment of fascia tissue for improvement and focusses primarily on all the systems that the fascia surrounds including: nervous system, circulatory system, lymphatic system, visceral system and all connective tissue.

Fascia therapy is a manual therapy which uses finesse not force to help the body heal. Although stretching can be viewed by some as a painful experience, stretch fascia is pain-free.

Treatable symptoms include:

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Top 5 Joint Commission Non Compliance Issues

The percentage figures are for the level of non compliance. Honestly, if we included some level of IT systems there would be further non compliance. Our sense is that is another place of weakness in many organizations.

1. The hospital provides and maintains systems for extinguishing fires — 86 percent

2. The hospital manages risks associated with its utility systems — 73 percent

3. The hospital provides and maintains building features to protect individuals from the hazards of fire and smoke — 72 percent

4. The hospital reduces the risk of infections associated with medical equipment, devices and supplies — 72 percent

5. The hospital established and maintains a safe, functional environment — 70 percent

For the complete list visit JC.

Two Cheap Tips to Reduce Snoring – Nose Strips and Pillows

There are methods to reduce or eliminate snoring, some that require surgery, some with expensive machines. Nose and throat surgeons routinely do elective surgeries to open airways for people. Also, CPaP machines are popular for those who suffer from sleep apnea.

However, are there methods to try to reduce snoring that can be attempted at the fraction of the price?

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