Two Cheap Tips to Reduce Snoring – Nose Strips and Pillows

There are methods to reduce or eliminate snoring, some that require surgery, some with expensive machines. Nose and throat surgeons routinely do elective surgeries to open airways for people. Also, CPaP machines are popular for those who suffer from sleep apnea. However, are there methods to try to reduce snoring that can be attempted at …

You are what you eat – beating cancer?

If your diet consists of sugars and carbohydrates, are you putting the best fuel in your body? We all know about healthy diets, but what about the things we eat helping to fight off cancers? That’s the power of some of the power foods out there. Check this TED talk out for more.

The Single Most Important Factor for Muscle Recovery – Water

Whether you’re working out at the gym or going on a big hike, the single most important factor for muscle factor is hydration. Before, during, and after work outs, ensure you are suitably hydrated. Depending on your body size you will lose 1 and up to 5 litres of water during a strenuous workout. Hydration …

Fascinating Data Life Expectancy and Health Expenditure of USA v Developed Countries

And this stunning graph that should raise a few eyebrows. (What are Americans spending their tax revenues on?) Firstly, all countries in this graph have followed an upward trajectory (life expectancy increased as health expenditure increased), but the U.S. stands out as an exception following a much flatter trajectory; gains in life expectancy from additional …

Part 2 – Identities Revealed – You are what you eat

Which products are the perpetrators on the crowded shelf? The most questionable claims and safety involve weight loss products, products to improve sexual performance, and body building products. Many of these so called natural supplements have been found to contain prescription drugs or steroids. Liver and kidney function, blood pressure can be adversely affected as …

Caveat Emptor: To Eat or Not to Eat – dietary supplements

Let’s start this article with a riddle. What do more than 50% of Americans spend billions of dollars on yearly, and is the most popular alternative health therapy in the nation? If you answered dietary supplements instead of Disney World you are correct. What goes on behind the shelves and shelves of products with 1000 …

JC New National Patient Safety Goals

The Joint Commission anticipates the new and revised National Patient Safety Goals will improve patient safety and quality of care by reducing morbidity and mortality, as well as health care costs and length of stays associated with CAUTIs. The R3 Report is available here.

It‘s Not Just Old Age – Depression in the Elderly

The following scenario is played out with increasing regularity in the nation: An elderly person, let’s call her Edith is living alone because she has lost her husband. Due to one or more chronic conditions she has decreased independence. Maybe she can’t drive any more and needs to use a walker or wheelchair. Her condition …