USA Healthcare Spending Continues to Outstrip All Developed Economies

Despite spending almost double most developed economies per person (as a percentage of GDP), America’s healthcare system continues to operate in shambles. Spending continues to grow, reaching a staggering $3.5 trillion in 2017. This amidst tens of millions of Americans remaining uninsured, and many more millions unable to afford needed care.  The American health system …

Health Pros and Cons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

You’ve no doubt heard it said before, the Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest you can adopt. Generous servings of vegetables, the lack of red meat, fish as a source of protein and beans, and healthy volumes of oil. Oil? I thought oil was bad? It all seems to depend on what kind.

Canada set to legalize recreational marijuana

The Canadian government is set to approve the new Bill C-45 that will legalize recreational marijuana across the country. As most Western nations struggle to deal with the abject collapse of the American lead century long “war on drugs”, Canada will be among the first to tackle the drug problem by legalizing. The new legislation …

Are multivitamins worth it? Which ones work and are they a waste of money?

The vitamin industry is a multi-billion dollar market that likely does more harm to your bank account than benefits to your body. Since multivitamins are big industry, it’s tough to navigate the multitude of claims from companies who’s sole purpose is to turn a profit. Do you really need you vitamin D or C to …

Alternative Therapies: Can Fascia Stretching Relieve Pain?

Be it pro athletes looking for the edge in recovery, or someone trying to relieve pain using alternative therapies, stretch fascia therapy could be a viable treatment. Patients enjoy a pain free treatment, which is appealing, provided by practitioners ranging from therapists specializing in stretch fascia, massage therapists, and more. Fascia therapy is an approach …